Kiko and the manymes

Child sexual exploitaDon online

The video and the storybook «Kiko and the manymes»

present the golden rules of screens

for children 4-7 years old.

Video “Kiko and the manymes”

kiko greek video


kiko english video


kiko english video


Storybook “Kiko and the manymes”

With this storybook children can learn

a basic set of rules on how protect their privacy

and their image in the online environment.

Advice for parents

Child sexual exploitation online:

tips to protect children 4-7 years

This leaflet is addressed to adults, with a focus

on parents and caregivers of children 4-7 years old,

teaching them how to protect their children

and avoid their exposure to phones with video and photo cameras or a webcam.

Spend quality time with your children.

Talk to your children

and make sure they can talk to you.

Explain the value of privacy.

Tell your children that screens can steal pictures.

Be an example.

kiko and the manymes poster 1 greek
kiko and the manymes poster 2 greek
kiko and the manymes poster 1 english
kiko and the manymes poster 2 english
kiko and the manymes poster 1 french
kiko and the manymes poster 2 french